Consciously Hybrid:
A UK public sector story
A decade on from the UK’s cloud-first policy, a huge proportion of workloads and data remains on premises.
Why? We explore the challenges associated with public cloud and aim to dispel the myth that public cloud-only
is a desirable path, fit for purpose.
The culture of cloud
An original film that is uncovering the realities of cloud technology and its effects on both business and
society. Many have grown confused with our relationship with a rapidly expanding cloud market, others are
reflecting on their strategies. The question is, when did cloud become so 'Clouded'.
Consciously Hybrid:
The South Africa story
Public cloud-first government mandates have led to an unplanned state of flux between operating models.
We interviewed some of South Africa’s leading CIOs and technologists to explore the opportunity cloud provides
the nation and the future of citizen services.